Folder Specifications

Several of the Command line options, e.g. --versions, --latest, --warning, and --label, use “folder specifications”.

A folder specification is a comma-separated list of group names, folder names, conditionals, slice-expressions, and sort-groupings, and it expands to an ordered list of folders existing in the root of the gh-pages branch.

Examples are:

  1. The default specification for the folders shown in the versions menu:

    (<branches> != <default-branch>), <releases>, <default-branch>

    which is equivalent to

    (<branches> != master), <releases>, <default-branch>

    for projects the use master as their default branch, and

    (<branches> != main), <releases>, <default-branch>

    for projects the use main as their default branch, and

  2. A specification for the folders shown in the versions menu in the reverse order:

    ((<branches> != <default-branch>), <releases>, <default-branch>)[::-1]
  3. The default specification of the “latest stable release” to which warning messages and index.html link:


    equivalent to:

    (<releases> not in (<local-releases>, <pre-releases>))[-1]
  4. Specification for the folders showing an “outdated” warning (assuming the default --latest):

    (<releases> < (<public-releases>)[-1])

Group Names

Groups are denoted by angled brackets (<, >), e.g. <branches>, <releases>, etc. in the examples. They are automatically expanded to the relevant existing folders in increasing order (following PEP 440, respectively alphabetical for branch names). The available groups correspond to the various classifications within pep:440:

  • <local-releases>: list of folders whose name ends in a local version label separated from the public version part by a plus sign. E.g. “v1.0.0+dev”

  • <dev-releases>: list of folders whose name ends in a developmental release segment, e.g. “v1.0.0-dev0”

  • <pre-releases>: list of folders whose name ends in a pre-release segment, e.g. “v1.0.0-rc1”. This includes dev-releases.

  • <post-releases>: list of folders whose name ends in a post-release segment, e.g. “v1.0.0.post1”

  • <final-releases>: list of folders whose name ends in a consists solely of a release segment (no local-, pre-, or post-segments), e.g. “v1.0.0”

  • <public-releases>: combination of final-releases and post-releases, i.e., releases intended for the general public

  • <releases>: list of folders whose name is a PEP 440-conforming release. This includes all of the above groups.

  • <default-branch>: list of folders matching the specification in the --default-branch option. This should contain only a single value, the name of the default branch, e.g. “main” or “master”.

  • <branches>: list of folders whose name is not a PEP 440-conforming release. These are assumed to be branch names, e.g. “master”.

  • <all>: list of all folders (combination of <releases> and <branches>)

Note that for PEP 440, the leading v in a folder name is ignored (v1.0.0 and 1.0.0 is the same). It is customary to include the leading v in tagged releases, and thus your folder names should include the leading v.

Folder Names

Folder names, e.g. master, are directly included in the expanded specification, if and only if the exist.


A conditional expression is enclosed in parentheses, containing a folder specification followed by one or more conditions. Each condition consists of a logical operator followed by another folder specification, for example

  • (<branches> != master) cf. example 1

  • (<releases> not in (<local-releases>, <pre-releases>)) in example 3.

  • (<releases> < (<public-releases>)[-1]), example 4

There may be multiple conditions, e.g. (<releases> >= 1.0 < 2.0) will evaluate to include all the folders for 1.* releases.

The full list of logical operators are:

  • in: selects a subset

  • not in: excludes a subset

  • <=: selects all folders lower than or matching the given version (or set of versions), according to PEP 440.

  • <: selects all folders lower than the given version

  • !=: excludes a specific version (or a subset; != is equivalent to not in if the operand is a set)

  • ==: selects a specific version

  • >=: selects all folders higher than or matching the given version (or set of versions)

  • >: selects all folders higher than the given version

The conditional may be followed directly by a slice specification (see below), as in example 3


A slice-expression is enclosed in parentheses, and is followed by the standard Python slice notation [start:end:step], where start is inclusive, end is exclusive, and negative values count backwards from the end, as in examples 2, 3 and 4.

The notation [::-1] (example 2) simply reverses the order of the list. Technically, example 3 evaluates to a single-item list, but within the folder specification mini-language, the distinction between an item and a single-item list is meaningless.


A sub-expression enclosed in parentheses is expanded and then sorted in its entirety according to PEP 440. The sorting only happens if the parentheses are not followed by a slice specification:

  • v1.0.0, v0.2.0, v1.1.1 is not sorted

  • (v1.0.0, v0.2.0, v1.1.1) is sorted as v0.2.0, v1.0.0, v1.1.1

  • (v1.0.0, v0.2.0, v1.1.1)[::-1] is not sorted (due to the slice specification)

  • ((v1.0.0, v0.2.0, v1.1.1))[::-1] is sorted as v1.1.1, v1.0.0, v0.2.0