
0.4.0 (2020-12-14)

  • Added: The label in the top left corner of the version menu can now be configured in conf.py (setting menu_title).

  • Added: --default-branch option, <default-branch> group for folder specifications, and default-branch field in versions.json (#12)

  • Changed: The default --versions now uses <default-branch>, automatically picking up on either “master” or “main” as the default branch (#12)

  • Changed: The default template for index.html now automatically forwards to the default-branch (based on the --default-branch option, instead of just “master”), or the first available branch if there is no released version (#12)

This release addresses two major compatibility issues:

  1. Both git and Github have recently switched the name of the default branch from “master” to “main”. This release adds support for new projects using “main” as their default branch.

  2. As of December 2020, Travis CI has stopped their support for open source. Consequently, Doctr can no longer be used to deploy documentation at no cost. This release adds rudimentary support for deploying the documenation with Github Actions instead of Doctr, see Deployment with Github Actions.

0.3.0 (2020-08-03)

  • Added: --no-downloads-file option, downloads_file = False in config. (#4, thanks to Tyler Pennebaker)

  • Fixed: versions.py on gh-pages branch was not being committed (#5)

  • Fixed: Compatibility with any pyparsing version >= 2.0.2 (#8, thanks to Hugo Slepicka)

  • Added: The doctr-versions-menu executable can now be configured through environment variables. This allows to keep configuration on the source branch, in the .travis.yml file (#6, thanks to Tyler Pennebaker)

  • The Doctr Versions Menu package can now be installed via conda (thanks to Hugo Slepicka)

0.2.0 (2020-03-14)

  • Added: --versions option for customizing which folders appear in the versions menu and in which order.

  • Added: --label option for customizing the labels appearing the versions menu

  • Added: --warning option for customizing on which folders specific warnings are displayed

  • Added: --latest option for configuring which folder is the “latest stable release”

  • Added: Write a script versions.py to the root of the gh-pages branch (--write-versions-py option)

  • Changed: unreleased and pre-released versions now show different warnings by default

  • Changed: index.html template is now rendered with full version_data

  • Changed: development/pre-release versions now longer have the “dev” suffix in the versions menu by default

  • Changed: The versions menu now uses the same ordering of versions as Read-the-Docs, by default: the folders are ordered from most current to least current.

  • Changed: internal format of versions.json

  • Removed: --default-branch option. This is replaced by the new --latest option and enhanced template rendering of the index.html

  • Removed: --suffix-unreleased option. This can now be achieved via the --label option

This is a major release that breaks backwards compatibility.

Specifically, due to the changes in versions.json, when upgrading from older versions, it may be necessary to replace doctr-versions-menu.js files in existing folders in a project’s gh-pages branch.

0.1.0 (2020-01-11)

  • Initial release